Hemorrhoid surgery experience

Two Ladies Painful Hemorrhoid Surgery Experiences

Don’t Hemorrhoid Surgery before trying Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment

It easily and thoroughly cured all kinds of hemorrhoids, away from hemorrhoid surgery.

========(pain,danger, Affect daily life and work) =========

Amelie Wilson (Amelie Wilson) The first month (yes, month) it’s so many different feelings. yes, it feels like glass when you poop. but it’s still a constant pain otherwise. for me, it was like a sharp throbbing pain, sometimes felt like it was on fire. it’s not a pain that comes and goes… it’s constant. after 3-4 weeks it eases up a bit. but the first 3-4 weeks..you will NOT be able to do anything. I suggest having help if possible. it gets especially worse whenever you move. just to sit up, lay down, when you cough/sneeze, walk upstairs, just move in general (you don’t realize how much strain is really put on your butthole until you have the surgery)- it’s like someone is stabbing you in the butthole with a firey rusted knife.. the only way I can explain it. It’s been almost 2 years since my surgery, and I was diagnosed with PTSD from hemorrhoid surgery (as crazy as it sounds. but the pain was horrid. I regretted the surgery but had no other options. there were countless times I just lay on the floor crying and telling my husband I wanted to die. granted…I spent more time in the hospital because I didn’t poop for 2weeks after the surgery, was completely backed all the way up. After 3 days in the hospital and every pooping medicine in the hospital given multiple times, nothing helped just cramped me bad. in the end, I had to get an enema..and my goodness..it was just as bad as when I woke up from the surgery). If you have other options, I would explore those first before you opt for hemorrhoid surgery. but I know in some cases like mine. It’s the only option. I will say, my doctor, told me at my post-op appt that this is the most painful surgery recovery there is. I wish he told me prior so I could’ve been prepared. so…long answer short…3-4weeks of feeling like you have a hot knife in there whether you’re still or moving..moving/coughing/etc just makes it feel like the knife is going deeper I suppose, and pooping feels like you’re pushing out shards of glass.

=======(pain,trouble, Affect daily life and work) =========

(Milana Rose) 3 weeks already, to the day, and seem to be getting better. I still have pain with bowel movements but some are worse than others. the night after and the next day were excruciating! not saying there weren’t other days that were beyond rough, but damn. I had to go back to work after a week and don’t know how I made it through those first few days. I still soak in a hot bath daily to get some extra care down there. I have”good” days and then a really bad one, but I feel like I’m on the right track. I don’t regret it, but wish things would hurry up and heal. my husband has been my superhero. it’s a very intimate surgery. he has had to trim some long stitches and has “checked” things a time or two. last time he said the area is now identifiable so I take that as a win! lots of 🔥baths, heating pad, oxycodone for the 1st few days, alternate Tylenol, and ibuprofen. I’m still taking fiber, but haven’t figured out the best regiment yet. I still have feelings of needing to go more than I actually do, but that too is subsiding. I know I have a ways to go, but it’s all good. of course, you could ask me tomorrow and I might be singing a different tune.

Source: https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-hemorrhoidectomy-recovery-630143

Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment is a 100% pure Chinese medicine with a history of more than 400 years. This is the best-selling hemorrhoid medicine in the world, which has completely cured hemorrhoids for many hemorrhoid patients. Using Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment can easily cure initial/Intermediate hemorrhoids — simple, low cost, no pain, no impact on daily life, and can be completely cured.

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