Hemorrhoid surgery experience

Archibald Rees Hell Hemorrhoid Surgery Experience

Archibald Rees

Don’t Hemorrhoid Surgery before trying Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment

It easily and thoroughly cured all kinds of hemorrhoids, away from hemorrhoid surgery.

========(pain,Affect work) =========

Archibald Rees(Archibald Rees) I had hemorrhoid surgery on 22/7. The first 2 weeks, as you know, were absolute hell. I took 2 and a half weeks off work. I went back on Tuesday and then had to take Wednesday off. The doctors that I speak to act as if I shouldn’t be in pain and should be all good now. The only thing that makes me know I’m not crazy in this forum. I don’t feel anywhere near back to normal.

Some days it feels like I am getting better and then the next day I go backward. Like I don’t have pain during the day and then the next day I have pain. It’s not a steady gradual case of feeling better it’s all over the place.

========(pain, Affect daily life) =========

Travis White(Travis White) I had a haemorrhoidectomy and skin tag removal on 5th May 2021. I am currently on week 9 of total and complete agony! I have been pushed from pillar to post with continuous bleeding and excruciating pain every time. I go to the toilet! I have had three lots of antibiotics numbing gels channel blockers. I am currently on oramorph which is liquid oral morphine as nothing works. the latest consultant says it’s going to take time but this just does not seem to be going away or getting better. if anyone can shed me some faith or light or something to try to get me out of this hell! if you thinking of getting it done don’t!

Source: https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-hemorrhoidectomy-recovery-630143

Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment is a 100% pure Chinese medicine with a history of more than 400 years. This is the best-selling hemorrhoid medicine in the world, which has completely cured hemorrhoids for many hemorrhoid patients. Using Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment can easily cure initial/Intermediate hemorrhoids — simple, low cost, no pain, no impact on daily life, and can be completely cured.

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