Hemorrhoid surgery experience

Tilly Hamilton Hemorrhoid Surgery Experience

Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment easily and thoroughly cured all kinds of hemorrhoids, away from hemorrhoid surgery.

(Pain, Trouble, Affect daily life and work) Had surgery first thing on Monday morning. Thought I may have gotten over the hardest part with manageable pain and discomfort from the Exparel shot they gave me, but woke up today (Day 6 if you count surgery day) needing help getting out of bed and having to stay horizontal (which I later realized was because I had to have a bowel movement. The burning started early yesterday, up until then I mostly felt general surgery pain that could be kept at bay with nonnarcotics meds (Ketorolac). Until I had a bowel movement on Wed, I was definitely miserable from the pressure and constantly trying to go, but I didn’t experience the sharp pains as I do now thanks to the Exparel.

Using a sitz bath for bowel movements and then sitting in the tub or cleaning off in the shower is amazing, but it’s draining because of how frequently I have to go through this time-consuming routine. Have you tried to poop in hot water to ease the pain? I also find it helps to just relax into it slowly but keep myself from clenching..once that initial painful shock is over it feels much better (while in the water), but if I get scared and clench, I have to start all over with the pain.

Using a sitz bath for bowel movements

I still feel really lucky with the pain, despite having to bite and scream into a washcloth to help me get through my last bowel movement (screaming helps distract me from the pain, I wasn’t screaming from the pain. the pain level audio is more like a loud moan and tearless sob). I have been able to clear some emails, read a few chapters of a book, and able to keep up with light-duty daily tasks like showers, family meals, and room cleanups.
Just really hoping I don’t keep getting worse.

The stitches do make things tighter. it’s best to not strain. If your bowel movements are not coming out easily, it may help to take more laxatives and drink a ton of water Seriously, laxatives are your friend and straining is the enemy.

I took Miralax twice a day and took three senna plus a day to get things moving and then started cutting back to find a better maintenance dose. This really helps keep things soft. As your swelling goes down, it will get easier to pass bowel movements. Ice your butt and don’t be ashamed of pooping in warm water sitz baths, it helps relax your muscles.

Source: https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-hemorrhoidectomy-recovery-630143

Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment is a 100% pure Chinese medicine with a history of more than 400 years. This is the best-selling hemorrhoid medicine in the world, which has completely cured hemorrhoids for many hemorrhoid patients. Using Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment can easily cure initial/Intermediate hemorrhoids — simple, low cost, no pain, no impact on daily life, and can be completely cured.

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