Hemorrhoid surgery experience

Pearl Ballard Hemorrhoid Surgery Experiences

Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment

Don’t Hemorrhoid Surgery before trying Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment

It easily and thoroughly cured all kinds of hemorrhoids, away from hemorrhoid surgery.

========(pain,danger, Affect daily life and work) =========

I’m 34 female. Good general health. Plant-based diet. Removal of two hemorrhoids and anal tags, plus stitching of two smaller internal ones in the hope they don’t get worse. I have been waiting in dread for the excruciating and unbearable pain mentioned many times below, but that is absolutely not my experience.Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment

Day 0 – I awoke from surgery in no pain, obviously still benefiting from the anesthetic. I was sent home with antibiotics, opioid pain relief, laxatives and gel lidocaine pain relief. Arrived home, ate and drank as normal (soup and bread, a yoghurt, sugary tea). Took two paracetamol and Went to bed.
Day 1 – I awoke at about 4 am, uncomfortable but not in pain. Moved around in bed for a couple of hours before getting up. Ate half a banana, a cup of water and coffee, and two more paracetamol. Took a warm bath.Still no need for the prescribed painkillers but I am definitely aware there is some throbbing sensation. Feeling more uncomfortable from constipation than anything else so I continue with prescribed laxatives. My first bowel movement (bowel movement) was incredibly slow going and it was very painful, it made me feel sick, faint and sweaty, and I had to lie down for a while after. So that is consistent with other posts! The sickness carried on for the rest of the day. The second bowel movement was about 50% easier.
Day 2 – I slept for about two hours at a time. I woke up and spent the day feeling very nauseous.
Day 3 – I felt better but bowel movements were still painful and slow going.
Day 4– Much of the same. bowel movements are very painful at the time but there is much less pain in general. I would describe it as uncomfortable. The worst thing about it is half constipation. You feel the need to go without actually going most of the time.
By Day 8 I am only feeling pain as and when I have a bowel movement. The rest of the day is completely fine. I am cautious of what I eat and I take stool softeners as prescribed, but ultimately the ordeal is over and I am able to live my life again.
Here are some things that helped: Sitz Bath (with salts)Warm bath sanitary pad switch hazel wipes extra gauze padding from the hospital, as sanitary pads won’t really help day one.

Source: https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-hemorrhoidectomy-recovery-630143

Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment is a 100% pure Chinese medicine with a history of more than 400 years. This is the best-selling hemorrhoid medicine in the world, which has completely cured hemorrhoids for many hemorrhoid patients. Using Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment can easily cure initial/Intermediate hemorrhoids — simple, low cost, no pain, no impact on daily life, and can be completely cured.

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