Hemorrhoid surgery experience

Rosie Miller whole Hemorrhoid Surgery Experiences

Rosie Miller

Don’t Hemorrhoid Surgery before trying Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment

It easily and thoroughly cured all kinds of hemorrhoids, away from hemorrhoid surgery.

========(pain,danger, Affect daily life and work) =========

Rosie Miller(Rosie Miller) I just wanted to share my recent experience of an open haemorrhoidectomy (not banding) performed through the NHS in the UK. I’m female, mid-thirties.

I had internal and external hemorrhoids with large external skin tags not pleasant. They were sore, and would bleed a lot and I was self-conscious about their appearance of them. So after my consultant ruled out any other causes of bleeding (via flexible sigmoidoscopy which was a piece of cake) he referred me for surgery. I’m not sure why I was referred immediately for an open haemorrhoidectomy rather than banding, possibly because of the skin tags? Who knows.

The surgery itself: Day case procedure, told me it would take 30-40 minutes under GA. When taking my consent the surgeon really drilled into me how painful recovery would be – not reassuring, but I appreciated the honesty. Cannulated, pregnancy tested (not going to lie, if that came back positive I’d have been far more scared than what I was facing with butt surgery!), and changed into a gown, I was good to go. No enema, no bowel prep. I woke up feeling sick (which is par for the course for me, GAs always make the throw up) but otherwise feeling OK. Puked once, came round a bit, then was transferred back to day surgery to recover. No real pain and at this point, more of a weird sensation of pressure. I had water, tea, and a small meal, then once I’d been for a pee I was discharged. Discharged with advice to eat a normal diet, take regular ibuprofen and paracetamol, and lactulose. Also a week’s course of antibiotics. I was told there was a surgical packing in place (up my bum) which would pass once I had my bowels open.

Recovery week 1:When I got home, I still felt pretty good. A little tender but not in pain as such. I was eating my normal diet which includes drinking about 2L of water a day. Slept really well the first night. The following 2 days were OK, it was painful but not horrendous. Kept regularly topped up on paracetamol and ibuprofen, lactulose twice a day, and also took some senna tablets at the end of day 2 as I was worried about being constipated. First poop – so people aren’t lying about this. It was rather awful. Despite my efforts to avoid constipation, I guess they gave me opiates when I was under GA as it was difficult to pass.

Following the first poop, I started going twice a day, with a pretty decent amount of pain during and afterward. I did buy a sitz bath, however, I found that I got more relief by running a shallow bath with some Epsom salts and soaking my bum in there for 15-20 minutes after a bowel movement. All in all, over the course of week 1, I had maybe 36 hours of significant pain (the type that has you questioning if you’ve done the right thing or not) but otherwise, it was sore, tender, and painful at times but manageable.

Week 2:The soaking after pooping continued, and pain levels gradually improved. Towards the end of the second week, I noticed that after pooping it would feel like I had painful, swollen piles (about four hard lumps around my bum) which would get very sore and itch a bit too. The swelling got worse after a bowel movement and would be painful. Soaking in the bath helped, I also bought some hemorrhoid cream to see if that helped and it really did just applying it to my bum after the bath seemed to help the swelling, itching and pain.

Week 3:I went back to work (office based). Still needed the painkillers for the first couple of days, however afterward I stopped them. Gradually found no need to soak after pooping and the pain was definitely easing off. The bleeding was decreasing as was the discharge. The four little lumps around my bum were still there and would swell a bit after going to the loo, but I continued using the cream and it got a lot easier.

Week 4:This is where I am now, halfway through the week. I’m off the painkillers and lactulose. I am no longer terrified of pooping, it’s fine now, just occasionally the lumps will swell slightly so I’ll use the hemorrhoid cream.

Appearance: I know it’s shallow and a bit bizarre to be worried about, but pre-surgery I was concerned about how my bum would look after the op. I was self-conscious about my large skin tags, so didn’t want to be dealing with them forever. Like I have said, I was four swollen lumps down there, however, I know this is early days and they are still healing. They are getting smaller daily. The appearance now is already a lot better than it was before the surgery, despite the consultant telling me not to look for 3 months because it will look horrendous until it is fully healed.

Pain: It’s sore. I know people have different pain thresholds and I don’t think I’m particularly brave, but there were only 36 hours in the first week of recovering that made me question my decision, otherwise, it was manageable with paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Bleeding and discharge: From day one, I noticed a decrease in the amount of bleeding I had compared with pre-surgery. When I “wipe” now (although it’s more dabbing with baby wipes) there is barely any blood.

The discharge is a bit off-putting. I used sanitary pads for the first week and it’s a bit odd because your bum feels “wet”. But it’s just healing fluid and it’s almost stopped now. I was a bit worried at one point due to the color looking a bit yellow/green but I’ve been assured that’s normal and it has almost gone now.
Conclusion: Everyone will have a different experience. Our bodies are all unique. But speaking from my experience, it was not as bad as I feared after reading up online and speaking with the healthcare staff.

Source: https://patient.info/forums/discuss/my-hemorrhoidectomy-recovery-630143

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